Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Clear GPS metadata from an image

In March 2012 I wrote a blog titled, GPS Information in photos. In it I describe how to extract and resolve Exif GPS data to a map reference. Recently I wrote an update to that blog that included how to clear metadata from an image. Essentially, the two methods I would use are:

(1) Using ImageMagick with

convert gps.jpg -strip stripped.jpg

This  appears to re-compress the JPEG image which may not be what you want.

(2) So, there is an alternative tool such as the exiv2 utility.
I've not used this myself, but it seems to have great command line options.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Automation with Ansible

Ansible is a Python based automation tool. I started using it to revert changes made on my local machine every time there were package updates. That is I wanted to ensure my options and settings were preserved. Professionally my team uses Puppet but we were looking at alternatives. Ansible was chosen for a variety of reasons: it is easy to learn, has broad functionality and an active community. There is next to no new lingo to learn:
  • a task is an action you want to perform
  • a list of tasks can be organised into a playbook
  • handlers are special tasks that are triggered by a change in a task
  • a group of playbooks is organised into roles
  • an inventory is a list of hosts (or group of hosts) to apply a playbook to
  • playbooks are under the roles directory
  • tasks are stored in the tasks directory, under a role
  • variables are stored in the vars directory, under a role
  • templates are stored in templates directory, under a role
So, any typical Ansible project would look something like:

├── group_vars
│ └── all
├── host_vars
└── roles
  ├── menu
  │ ├── handlers
  │ └── tasks
  ├── vim
  │ ├── files
  │ ├── handlers
  │ ├── tasks
  │ └── vars
  └── x11

The example above is just a subset of roles from my project to manage my local machine.  You can see the full project on GitHub. There are now over 100 tasks being performed by this project. This grew incrementally, where each role could be developed independently from the others. Thats is, Ansible makes it easy for you to start small, and little by little, add functionality.

I recommend that you get to know the included core modules. If you find yourself invoking many command or shell tasks, then you probably need to re-read the list of modules or explore writing a custom module. Ansible works best when break a complex task into single action steps. Doing this has the added benefit of making it easy for you to test tasks as they are included. Re-running a role is natural as Ansible is idempotent. Of course, you can easily break this if invoking a shell script. Which is another reason to break down a complex operation into distinct tasks and use the provided modules.

Despite having written the original project to manage my home machine, this project (by virtue of hosts and groups) now manages other machines as well.

So, if you find yourself repeating tasks on multiple hosts, why not give Ansible a try?

See also my presentation (PDF) on Ansible Filters.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Converting MS Documents to PDF using LibreOffice

I've been a long time user of LibreOffice. I first started with StarOffice, before moving to OpenOffice, and finally the latest incarnation, LibreOffice. While I use office suites less, preferring Wiki's and if a versioned document is required, LaTeX, I still on occasion receive MS documents. Rather than reading these documents in MS-Word or MS-PowerPoint formats I prefer to convert to a PDF. Here is how to do that. The following shows how to convert a presentation to a PDF. It is a headless operation that works just as well over a set of documents.
loimpress --headless --convert-to pdf presentation.pptx 
lowriter --headless --convert-to pdf document.doc 

Friday, 12 August 2016

Render R markdown to PDF from command line

I have been using Makefiles where command line tools for building a project are not generally available. This includes LaTeX documents and recently R projects.

So here is an R script that can be used to render R markdown to PDF.

#!/usr/bin/env R

# Render R markdown to PDF.
# Invoke with:
# > R -q -f make.R --args my_report.Rmd

# load packages

# require a parameter naming file to render
if (length(args) == 0) {
    stop("Error: missing file operand", call. = TRUE)
} else {
    # read report to render from command line
    for (rmd in commandArgs(trailingOnly = TRUE)) {
        # render Rmd to PDF
        if ( grepl("\\.Rmd$", rmd) && file.exists(rmd)) {
            render(rmd, pdf_document())
        } else {
            print(paste("Ignoring: ", rmd))

It will process Rmd files listed after the --args parameter. This script can then be invoked from Makefile:

#!/usr/bin/env make

.PHONY: all clean
.SUFFIXES: .Rmd .pdf

DOCS = my-report
RMDS = $(patsubst %, %.Rmd, $(DOCS))
R = /usr/bin/R

Rmd: $(patsubst %.Rmd, %.pdf, $(RMDS))

 @$(R) --quiet --file=make.R --args $<

all: clean Rmd

 @rm -f $(patsubst %.Rmd, %.pdf, $(RMDS))

Monday, 28 March 2016

Hint: Use gmail as a to-do list

I have tried a number of to-do lists, and have been sadly disappointed in them all. The problem for me is that they restrict what can be put into them. That is can I add, images, links and formatted notes into a to-do item? My solution is: use GMail drafts. The steps are:

  1. compose a new email without assigning an addressee
  2. give it a meaningful summary subject line prefixed with "ToDo: "
  3. add all the content you need into the subject line
  4. once the item has been complete, remove draft
The benefits to this approach are numerous: they can be read from any device that has access to GMail. They can contain rich content. They are neatly collated into the Drafts GMail folder. FInally, if I need to keep a copy of anything in the email I can choose a variety of methods including: sending completed email to myself, creating a Drive document, or just cutting and pasting relevant information elsewhere.

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.


In the book, Life's Grandeur, Stephen Jay Gould goes into detail why the most common misconception of Evolution by Natural Selection. That is the misconception that evolution progresses from lesser forms, to more advanced, complex forms. Indeed Charles Darwin disliked the term evolution as it carries with it exactly this connotation. Instead he preferred the term, Descent by Modification. When you look at the principles behind Darwin's great idea the reasons for his objection become apparent. There are just three simple propositions:
  1. organisms tend to produce more offspring than can possibly survive
  2. off-spring vary among themselves and not identical to their parents
  3. off-spring inherit at least some of these variations
That is it. The remainder is about following the consequences of these principles. Darwin deduced that, given the above, then those organisms best able to adapt to their local environment will tend to have an advantage. That advantage helps their offspring survive. Even if the environment remains static, the population is not. Since there is population pressure when more offspring are produced than the environment can sustain. Resources are finite, leading to increased competition between and within groups of organisms.

Gould comes in refuting the popular misconception of evolutionary progress. Instead he prefers the description, “descent with modification”. His point is subtle but powerful: a population will have a variation of behaviours and adaptations. Over time members of a population will cluster around the mean, since any subgroup that excels will slowly grow in number which influences the mean.