Sunday 16 January 2011

Running a paperless office (update)

A friend raised question a question with regard to keeping digital taxation records. Are you sure you can do that? Well, a quick search on our Government's ATO website revealed a positive answer:
Electronic records
Documents that you are required to keep can be in written or electronic form. If you make paper or electronic copies they must be a true and clear reproduction of the original.
We recommend that if you store your records electronically you make a back-up copy to ensure the evidence is easily accessible if the original becomes inaccessible or unreadable (for example, where a hard drive is corrupted).
Source: Australian Government, Australian Taxation Office, Keeping your tax records, Electronic records

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Edit a PDF using flpsed

I've been looking for a simple tool to annotate PDF files.   Since going paperless, I've often wanted to annotate scanned images with additional information.  Well, I finally found a tool that is light weight and simple to use.  It is flpsed.  Some advice on its use:
  1. When using "Save As", ensure this is saved with file extension ".ps" so not to get confused.  
  2. "Export" the finished annotated document as a PDF.
To Do: How to use an external tags file?  I assume this is a PostScript file containing key/value pairs.