Sunday 10 February 2019

Render Jupyter Notebook to HTML or PDF

The following shows how to render a Jupyter Notebook into a static form, such as HTML or PDF document. 

Render to HTML

To render a Jupyter Notebook to HTML:
jupyter nbconvert --exec --to html --output document.html document.ipynb
You can also specify an output directory:
jupyter nbconvert --exec --to html --output document.html --output-dir target document.ipynb
The HTML has all images embedded. This makes sharing easy is the HTML is fully self contained.

Render to PDF

I have had mixed results converting a notebook directly to PDF. The conversion complained that embedded images were not found. Instead I suggest first converting it to LaTeX and then to a PDF.
To convert to Tex run:
jupyter nbconvert --exec --to latex --output document.tex document.ipynb
Now, it is an easy matter to convert TeX to PDF with pdflatex:
pdflatex document.tex

Build using Makefile

A generic Makefile that can be used in a Jupyter project to perform this task is:

#!/usr/bin/env make
.PHONY: html pdf clean
.SUFFIXES: .ipynb .tex .pdf .html
.DEFAULT: html
IPYNB := $(wildcard *.ipynb)
TEXS := $(patsubst %.ipynb, %.tex, $(IPYNB))
HTMLS := $(patsubst %.tex, %.html, $(TEXS))
PDFS := $(patsubst %.tex, %.pdf, $(TEXS))
 -jupyter nbconvert --to=latex $<
 -latexmk -f -gg -quiet -pdf \
  -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape \
  -pdflatex="pdflatex %O %S" $<
 -jupyter nbconvert --exec --to html --output $@ $<
html: $(HTMLS)
pdf: $(PDFS)
 -latexmk -quiet -f -c $(TEXS)
 @$(RM) -rf $(wildcard *_files)
ifneq ("$(TEXS)", "")
 @$(RM) $(patsubst %.tex, %.*.*, $(TEXS))
 @$(RM) $(TEXS)


Use tabs (default is set to 8) and not spaces as make is whitespace sensitive.


Assuming you have Jupyter installed, then the other Debian Linux dependencies for this project are: