Friday 18 March 2011

Xfce no panel

It doesn't happen often (but I'd love to know why), but I lost by Xfce panel again today. Luckily this is easy to fix. Open a terminal (right mouse click) and re-start the panel with:
xfce4-panel &
Now that you have you're panel working make this permanent by removing current session information:
rm -rf ~/.cache/sessions/
Logout and restart your session.
One final hint, backup your Xfce4 settings! I alias the backup command and keep a local and remote copy of the generated archive:
alias backupxfce='cd ~;tar jcvf Backups/xfce4.tar.bz2 .config/xfce4'
This alias will create a bzip2 archive.


Vieral said...

Great! Any word of a fix from this? I don't understand why it happens but is in annoying! Good blog.

Frank H Jung said...

Happily I've not had a recurrence. I'm running 4.8 (4.10 now available)

- frank